Friday, January 10, 2020

7 Benefits and Efficacy of Avocados on the Body

7 Benefits and Efficacy of Avocados on the Body

A healthy body is closely related to consumption of one's food. Every day, you should include fruits as one of your mandatory menus. Why always have to eat fruit? Fruits contain vitamins and minerals, and fiber that the body needs every day. Some important vitamins and minerals contained in fruit are vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, and folic acid. These ingredients can certainly meet your nutritional needs, which is also useful for preventing various diseases.
See the Benefits of Avocados for the Body. What Are They?
Speaking of fruit, avocados become one of the fruits that are known to provide many benefits to the body. If there is an assumption that eating avocados can make fat because it is high in fat, this is certainly a wrong perception. Avocados contain unsaturated fats which are actually good for lowering cholesterol levels. In addition, what are the benefits of avocados for the body?

1. Anti-Cancer
Did you know that you are losing the avocado's benefits to the body as a cancer prevention? Avocados contain antioxidants and polynutrients which are anti-cancer substances. These substances can increase our immune system to fight free radicals that have the potential to damage cells that can cause cancer.

2. Maintain Blood Pressure
Eating avocados is also good for keeping blood pressure stable, due to its potassium content. As you know, potassium works to reduce blood pressure in order to avoid high blood pressure that causes even a stroke.

3. Rich in Fiber
The benefits of avocados for a body rich in fiber can also help with weight loss and reduce blood sugar spikes. Fiber in avocados is also able to maintain the digestive tract, so you are free from the difficult problem of bowel movements. So, make sure you include this healthy fruit in your diet.
4. Healthy bones
Healthy bones is one of the benefits of avocados for the body that is undoubtedly its ability. Yes, avocados can relieve arthritis pain. A study revealed that compounds from avocados can help get relief from arthritis and reduce bone stiffness.

5. Sources of Iron
Are you looking for the most iron source? Avocado answer. Avocados have a source of vegetable iron that can increase oxygen flow to maintain energy levels and keep your skin bright. That way, no wonder the avocado is also believed to be able to maintain women's beauty.

6. Lowering Cholesterol
As previously explained, avocados contain unsaturated fats that can reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the body. This was proven by scientists through research on 45 people with high LDL counts. Those who suffer from high cholesterol are instructed to consume avocados for one week. The result, cholesterol dropped by 17 percent!

7. Vitamin and Mineral Intake
Want to know the benefits of avocados for other bodies? Avocados are rich in vitamin K which is important for bone health and healing after injury. This soft-textured fruit also contains B-complex vitamins that can increase your metabolism and support healthy blood flow. You will also get lots of vitamin C which will make skin smooth, healthy bones and a strong immune system.

That's the seven benefits of avocados for the body which is certainly very healthy.

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