13 Ways to Treat Damaged Nails Because of Mushrooms with the Most Effective Natural Ingredients
Fungus nails can then become damaged which means they will make the appearance of the nails less beautiful. Here are some recommendations on how to treat damaged nails due to fungi with natural ingredients that you can try because of their effective and harmless health as well as the surrounding skin.
1.Baking Soda
Baking soda can treat nails damaged by a fungal infection, by mixing ½ cup of baking soda with ¼ cup of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and also ½ cup of Epsom salt in 4 cups of hot water. When mixed evenly, add ¼ cup of white vinegar. Soak the nails in a 10-minute solution and after that can be cleaned with clean water; do 2 times daily care for the most effective results.
2.Garlic Oil
Because there are antifungal properties in garlic, you might try using this oil as a natural remedy. Its use is to mix garlic oil with each olive oil with the same dose as needed and apply directly to the part of the nail you want to treat. Wrap with a bandage cloth and leave a few hours; do it every day until the damaged nail returns to normal and the fungus is completely eradicated, but still know and be aware of the side effects of garlic.
3Apple Vinegar
Apple vinegar can prevent the spread of nail fungus properly, even apple cider vinegar is known to be effective in killing bacteria and fungi. Combine apple vinegar into the water with the same amount of each one then soak the damaged nails into it for 30 minutes every day. Use it every day until the nails return to normal and the infection is completely cured.
4.Tea Tree Oil
These herbal oils contain antiseptics and antifungals which are very effective in treating nail fungus and even repair nails damaged by mold. A few drops of this tea tree oil can be mixed with olive oil or coconut oil to taste and apply to damaged nails using a cotton ball. Wait for about 10 minutes and rub your nails using a toothbrush; do this method up to 3 times a day for the most effective results.
5.Coconut oil
In using this oil as a medicine for damaged nails, you can warm this oil first before applying it to each nail you want to treat. When applying, do it while giving a massage for up to 5 minutes. This will improve blood circulation while moisturizing the nails. This method should be done for several weeks until the nail can return to health and is also strong enough before stopping.
6.Vitamin E oil
Vitamin E is not only good for improving skin health, but also for nail health. You can try vitamin E capsules and the extract can be applied directly to damaged nails every night before going to bed. Give a massage also for 5 minutes to facilitate blood circulation. For the best results, it is recommended to do this treatment every day within 2 weeks.
7.Sea Salt
Because in sea salt there is a mineral content that becomes a natural healer for damaged skin and a reinforcement for nails, you may try mixing 2 tablespoons of sea salt into a small bowl of warm water. Also add lemon and mir essential oils 2 drops each and soak the nails there for 15 minutes. After that, clean by rinsing with warm water; doing this treatment 3 times a week will provide effective results.
8.Lemon juice
To improve the condition of damaged nails, lemon juice where a lemon is a fruit that contains high vitamin C can be tried as your nail nurse. Fresh lemon juice can be mixed with argan oil, where each one has the same fire. Soak the nails in the solution for about 20 minutes and do it once a day for 3 weeks to get the best results.
9.Lavender oil
The antiseptic in this oil is so big and you just need to use 5 drops of this oil mixed with tea tree oil which can then be smeared on damaged nails because the fungus uses cotton balls. 10 minutes go by, clean it by rinsing it, it will be more effective if you do this method 2-3 times a day.
10.Turmeric Powder
Adequate turmeric powder mixed with a little water will form a paste and paste that can be rubbed on your nails. Leave it to dry and when dry, clean it by rinsing it using plain water, and dry it well to prevent moisture from further infection and nail damage.
These probiotic foods can be consumed every day not only as part of a healthy diet tips, but also help to make nails much better and damaging fungal infections are also hampered by its spread and faster recovery.
12Red onion
Shallot is another natural ingredient that can be used as a remedy for nails damaged by mold. Sliced red onions can be rubbed on your nails and do this every day so that the infection and damage to the nails can heal. However, the side effects of shallots still need to be watched out so that you can use them wisely.
13White vinegar
Apart from apple vinegar, there is also white vinegar that can be used by mixing it with plain water with a ratio of 1: 2 where there is more water. The nails you want to cure can be dipped and soaked for 15 minutes before continuing with cleaning. Dry your nails well and every day you can do it twice.
Those are some ways to treat damaged nails due to fungi with the most natural and safe ingredients that can be tried. With regular use as recommended, the cause of nail fungus and its symptoms that trigger damage can be overcome perfectly.
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