Monday, January 13, 2020

6 Parts of the Body Shown Early Signs of Aging

6 Parts of the Body Shown Early Signs of Aging

As you get older, the skin will begin to thin out and less elastic. As a result, appear wrinkles and dark spots on the skin. Although it cannot be avoided, these signs of aging can be delayed to be slower. The key is you maintain healthy skin by eating foods that nourish the skin, get enough sleep, exercise regularly, the body is always hydrated, and avoid exposure to smoke and sunlight.
Many suspect the face is the part that first experienced the signs of aging. However, is that right? So you know which part of the body first experiences aging, let's refer to the following review.

The sequence of parts of the body that look first signs of aging
1. Hands
Hands become a part of the body that is often exposed to substances from the environment, including sunlight. When you feel the hot sun, you will definitely block it with your hands. That is why the hands will first experience signs of aging.

In fact, signs of aging on the hands have begun to appear when someone is in their 20s. Most people don't realize it until they reach 30 or 40 years old.

Initially, dark spots will appear on the skin of the hands, then followed by skin that slowly feels loose. Therefore, it is important to keep the hands moisturized with sunscreen.

Perform regular care of the skin of your hands and body, especially when at night and when you have plans to do outdoor activities.

2. Facial skin
Compared to other body parts, the face gets the most attention. This is why many people suspect that the face is the first part of the body to show signs of aging, but it is not.

Just like the hand, the appearance of dark spots on the face is a sign of premature aging that you have to face. These dark spots appear because the body overproduces melanin, which is the pigment that gives color to the skin.

The more melanin is produced, the more risky the skin will become darker. This condition occurs because the body's genes are damaged due to continued exposure to sunlight.

Many skin care products that you can get in stores or through natural ingredients. Not just treatment from the outside, food choices that nourish the skin can maintain health and slow aging of the skin.
3. Eyelid
When you get older, the hormone estrogen that triggers collagen production is no longer available. Collagen and elastin, which should keep the skin supple, actually cannot do their job properly because of the small amount. Gradually, the muscles around the eyes will also stretch and sag, creating eye bags.

People who have excess fat above or below the lid, will certainly get worse condition of the eyelids. Reporting from Prevention, Sachin M. Shridharani, MD, a plastic surgeon at NYC said that the worse the condition of eye bags with age, the more difficult it is to open your eyes completely. To prevent the formation of eye bags, then avoid sleeping at night or lack of sleep and drink lots of water.

4. Neck
The neck has thinner skin compared to facial skin. That is why the neck will look very loose compared to facial skin.

If you routinely do facial treatments, don't forget to do the treatment also on the neck. The use of antiaging products that are used for the face, is equally effective when used on the neck.

5. Elbow
Another part of the body that is very influential with aging is the elbow. The skin on your elbows, which at first felt tight, began to relax more and more. In addition, most people who experience aging on the elbows also have dry skin conditions on the elbows.

To prevent severe relaxation of the elbow skin, drink enough water and exercise that supports your hand muscles, such as lifting weights. However, adjust also to the condition of your body that is getting old.

6. Hair
As we get older, the oil glands on the head become less so that the hair becomes dry. Then, gray hair also starts popping up more and more to make your hair color white.

Hair follicles are getting thinner, making it easier to fall out and brittle. That is why many men who experience baldness and women have very thin hair.

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