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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Why Is There Someone Who Can Cure Sudden Cancer?


Cancer has become a word that contains alertness and fear. However, for a small number of people, cancer is actually evidence of miracles. These people are cancer sufferers who experience spontaneous remissions where they are declared clean and recover from cancer unexpectedly. These cases certainly invite many questions, especially from medical circles who have hundreds of years trying to defeat cancer. Can cancer heal by itself?

Is it possible to recover from cancer suddenly?
This phenomenon is known in the medical world as spontaneous remission. Spontaneous remission is a significant loss or reduction of tumors in patients who have been convicted of certain cancers. In addition, spontaneous remission also refers to conditions where the patient no longer shows symptoms that are usually shown due to the illness. What distinguishes this condition with remission in general is spontaneous remission usually occurs without treatment or treatment of conventional cancer such as tumor removal surgery or chemotherapy.

Although referred to as spontaneous remission, the word spontaneous in this term should not be taken literally. Spontaneous means that the patient shows gradual progress, it can even take months, until the disease is no longer found without a clear reason. In fact, people with cancer usually do not undergo treatment or care that should be undertaken by a cancer patient.

Spontaneous remission is a very rare case. The prevalence of spontaneous remission in cancer patients reported by the BBC is 1 in 100,000 patients. Usually the types of cancer that most often show spontaneous remission are neuroblastoma, kidney cell cancer, melanoma skin cancer, leukemia, and lymph node cancer. However, this mysteriously cured disease can actually occur in almost all types of cancer.

What are the cases of spontaneous remission in cancer?
Experts are still debating definitions and definite characteristics of spontaneous remission in cancer sufferers. However, spontaneous remissions in cancer are usually indicated by the loss or shrinking of the tumor and the cancer without any signs of recurrence (cancer or tumor reappear) until ten years later. A case of cancer cure can be called a spontaneous remission if it fulfills at least one of the following conditions.
The patient did not undergo conventional treatment at all
Some patients who are diagnosed with cancer in the final stages usually refuse treatment, treatment, or medical examinations because they prefer to focus on going through the last days meaningfully. However, the cancer and tumors that had lodged in their bodies unexpectedly disappeared or decreased significantly. Many hospitals and doctors have reported rare cases where patients have been cleared of cancer without undergoing treatment or care provided by a health facility.

The patient did not undergo full conventional treatment
Patients continue to undergo medication and medical treatment, but before the procedure is completed or fully served, the patient no longer has a tumor or cancer cells in his body. In some other cases, patients only undergo treatment or improper care but have shown significant progress, even to full recovery.

Patients progress gradually
Some cancer patients have shown progress that is medically very unlikely or even impossible at all. Even though the patient is not immediately clear of cancer, the various symptoms and signs of the cancer that he has started to subside and disappear.

Patients have a long life expectancy
Spontaneous remission can also occur in cancer survivors who live far longer than the prognosis or life expectancy predicted by medical personnel scientifically. These patients also live beyond the survival rate that has been investigated through health statistics.

Remission due to a combination of various medications
Many cases of spontaneous remission are also found in cancer patients who combine more than one method of treatment or treatment. For example, these patients continue to undergo a biopsy but at the same time undergo an alternative treatment method.

A miracle
For certain cases that are very rare, cancer patients undergo religious rituals or perform a spiritual action such as meditation and fasting until he was declared cured of cancer. Most of the cancer patients who experience spontaneous remissions of this type really believe there is a power beyond the power and understanding of humans who interfere in their recovery. Keep in mind that this method is not the recommended treatment or treatment method for cancer sufferers, but research shows that this has indeed happened.

How can spontaneous remission occur?
Experts are competing to examine cases of spontaneous remission and its causes. However, until now there has been no definitive answer that can explain why a person can suddenly recover from cancer. Based on case studies by doctors, these are the factors that can trigger spontaneous remission.

  • The immune system (immune) which kills cancer cells
  • Hormone factor
  • Genetic mutations (changes in the structure of DNA and RNA)
  • Tumors turn into healthy and normal tissue in the body
  • Angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels around the tumor) is inhibited
  • Apoptosis (the process of death of cells that are not needed by the body)
  • A positive placebo effect
  • Hypnosis

Who might recover from cancer?
In cases of spontaneous remission that have occurred, experts find similarities that are owned by patients. Those who recover from cancer unexpectedly generally undergo lifestyle changes that are healthier and more positive, have closest people who always support and assist, participate in activities that can increase awareness while reducing stress such as yoga and meditation, and are willing to accept their conditions as a meaningful lesson and experience.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Lower the Weight to 5 Kg in 3 Days with a Cardiac Diet (+ Menu)
Lose the Weight

I want to be thin in a fast time. But without taking dangerous slimming drugs. Natural diets will indeed help us to lose weight more healthy and stable, but usually requires a longer time in the process.
"Fast diet tips" or "slim tips in 1 month" become keywords that are sought after in cyberspace. One fast diet method that is widely done is the Cardiac Diet (Heart Diet) or popularly called The 3 Day Diet. This diet can lose as much as 5 kg in 3 days.

What is a Cardiac Diet (The 3 Day Diet)?
The Cardiac Diet or The 3 Day Diet aims to lose weight quickly. This diet is often used by doctors for heart patients who need to reduce a large amount of weight before undergoing heart surgery.

Although it can lose weight very quickly, this diet is very low in calories. Not recommended for more than 3 days. After the 3 day period is over, you must return to normal food intake for about 4-5 days. Then, you can just repeat this diet again.

This diet menu consists of tuna, meat, oranges, toast, eggs and vegetables. The portion of the meal must be disciplined. Only salt, pepper and soy sauce can be used as a flavor enhancer. To undergo this diet you are encouraged to drink 8 glasses of water per day.
1st Day Menu

  • Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 low-calorie sweeteners
  • 1/2 orange fruit
  • 1 kerat toast with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter


  • 8 tablespoons of tuna
  • 1 kerat toast
  • Black coffee or tea with 1-2 low-calorie sweeteners


  • 3 ounces of chicken, boiled
  • 1 cup long beans
  • 1 cup of carrots
  • 1 apple
  • 1 cup of vanilla ice cream

Day 2 Menu

  • Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 low-calorie sweeteners
  • 1 boiled egg
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1 kerat toast


  • 1 cup of cottage cheese or tuna
  • 8 fresh crackers or 1 kerat toast


  • 2 medium-sized beef sausages
  • 1 cup of broccoli or cabbage
  • 1/2 cup of carrots
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream

3rd Day Menu

  • Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 low-calorie sweeteners
  • 5 fresh crackers
  • 1 ounce of cheddar cheese
  • 1 apple


  • Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 low-calorie sweeteners
  • 1 kerat toast
  • 1 boiled egg


  • 1 cup of tuna
  • 1 cup of carrots
  • 1 cup of cauliflower
  • 1 cup of melon
  • 1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream

5 Risk of Leucorrhoea If Left Unchecked, Starts Uncomfortable Until Death!

Every woman who has reached puberty must have experienced vaginal discharge. This symptom is actually very normal as a sign that the reproductive organs are carrying out a self-defense mechanism from various dead cells and pathogens to get out of the body.
The main characteristic of normal vaginal discharge is the frequency that is not continuous. In addition, the color of mucus that comes out of the vagina is clear or white, does not itch, does not cause pain, and does not or slightly cause odor. The cycle tends to be hormonal as well as before menstruation, pregnancy or menopause.

Well, if you experience abnormal vaginal discharge like smell, green, yellow, grayish, or until it feels painful, itchy and hot, don't delay again. See a doctor immediately before you experience this risk. Here are some serious risks of leucorrhoea if you leave it!

1. Infertil
Most women certainly hope to get a baby when the time comes later. But if you experience abnormal vaginal discharge and do not immediately provide appropriate treatment, the risk of infertility is greater.

This is due to the accumulation of bacteria that damage cells and hormones in the female area. Pathogens will also be easier to cause infections and produce blockages in the ovary canal or fallopian tubes.
2. Infection of a partner
For those of you who are married, it's good not to have sexual relations with your husband when you are still having vaginal discharge. In addition to making the quality of sex so reduced, the husband can also experience a serious illness, you know!

Forcing yourself to make love with your husband in this condition can cause the spread of harmful bacteria. Bacteria tricomonas or gonorrhea can make a husband experience uretal discharge aka urinary tract infection.

3. Continuous Pain
In some cases, abnormal vaginal discharge causes the sufferer to feel pain that disturbs around the female organs including the hips and abdomen. The cause is none other than infection caused by bacteria or fungi.

This ongoing pain will make the activity hampered. Even at a more serious level, this nested infection will make you feel painful when you urinate.
4. Cervical Cancer
To this day, cervical cancer is still the most feared disease by women. This cervical cancer is ranked first as a cause of death of women.

It may be, abnormal vaginal discharge experienced is actually a real symptom of cervical cancer. These symptoms do tend to be 'too vague' for cervical cancer so that many women ignore and only realize it if other symptoms appear as indications of cancer at a later stage.

5. Pregnancy Outside the Womb
The risk of death in women can also increase the risk of pregnancy outside the womb. This condition will make baby's growth stunted and cause bleeding to death in the mother.

The main factor affecting this ectopic pregnancy is an infection of the fallopian tube. The course of leucorrhoea pathogens that are left to continue will spread from the vagina to the cervix to the fallopian tubes and ovaries causing inflammation.

Horrified, right? Therefore, don't be indifferent to the vaginal discharge that you experience, huh. Immediately consult a dermatologist or obstetrician if you find symptoms that are odd during vaginal discharge.


Types of Cancer in Children That Need Caution

Cancer is a degenerative disease that begins with the development of abnormal cells that "eliminate" nutrients in the body. As a result, the body experiences a number of malfunctions in tissues and organs, to the point that it can cause death. Cancer is susceptible for adults. So, what about cancer in children?
Definition and Causes of Cancer in Children
Cancer in children is a case of cancer that occurs in children and teens. Although both are characterized by the development of cancer cells, the types of cancer in children are generally different from the types of cancer suffered by adults.

In adults, the cause of cancer can be due to lifestyle and diet. Cancer in children is more caused by gene mutations that cause changes in DNA, even when the child is still in the womb. Family genetic disorders (familial syndrome) such as Down syndrome are also suspected to increase the risk of childhood cancer. Gene mutations are caused by many factors, for example exposure to cigarettes while the child is still in the womb.

Types of Cancer in Children
There are 8 common types of cancer in children, namely:

1. Leukemia
Leukemia is a type of cancer that occurs in the spinal cord. Leukemia is a cancer in children that is very dangerous. As a result of leukemia is the production of abnormal white blood cells (leukocytes). The peak, leukocytes cannot be produced, which is then followed by disruption of the production of red blood cells (erythrocytes) and platelets.

Not only that, the effects of leukemia also interfere with brain function, and damage the skin, spleen, gums, and testes.

2. Lymphoma
This type of cancer in children attacks immune cells (lymphocytes), lymph node organs, tonsils, and thymus glands. Lymphoma results in the formation of glands in parts of the body affected by this one cancer cell, such as in the armpits, groin, and neck.

3. Neuroblastoma
Neuroblastoma is a type of cancer that attacks nerve cells. This neuroblastoma can attack the embryo or fetus that are exposed to radiation or other harmful chemicals. Nevertheless, neuroblastoma is rarely found in children over the age of 10 years.

4. Central Nervous System Cancer
In general, the beginning of the growth of cancer cells occurs in the lower brain (cerebellum), then spread to the spinal cord. If these cancer cells have invaded the central nervous system, the child will experience a decline in the ability to think, even paralysis.

5. Bone Cancer
Bone cancer is a type of cancer in children that usually attacks adolescents or in puberty. This cancer attacks the flat bones (ewing sarcoma), also the ends of the bones in the legs and arms (osteosarcoma). If your child experiences bone pain, especially at night, consult a doctor immediately because this could be a sign of bone cancer.
6. Eye Cancer (Retinoblastoma)
Eye cancer or retinoblastoma is also one of the most common cancers in children. Generally, this type of cancer attacks children aged babies up to 2 years. The presence of anomalies in the eyes such as reddish eyes, so that the eye reflects white light when exposed to light can be a sign of retinoblastoma.

7. Rhabdomyosarcoma
Cancer in children can also be rhabdomyosarcoma. This type of cancer attacks the skeletal muscles that function to move the body. Rhabdomyosarcoma can grow and develop in all parts of the body that have skeletal muscle cells.

8. Nephroblastoma
Nephroblastoma or "Wilms tumor" is a type of cancer in children that develops in kidney organs. This cancer is commonly experienced by children aged 3-4 years.

Symptoms of Cancer in Children
Cancer in children has no specific symptoms. The existence of general symptoms could be a signal that the child is actually having cancer. What are the symptoms of cancer in children that you need to know?

1. Drastic Weight Loss
If your baby has lost weight, even though there is nothing wrong with his diet, you should immediately see a doctor. A child's weight loss that has dropped dramatically may be a symptom of cancer in children, so it should not be underestimated.

2. Swollen Lymph Nodes
Swelling of the lymph nodes is also suspected to be one of the symptoms of cancer, such as non-hodgin lymphoma cancer. The neck, armpits, chest, abdomen are examples of parts of the body that have lymph nodes. If there are lumps in these parts, it is better to immediately check your child to the doctor.

3. Nose is often Nosebleed
Nose bleeding or nosebleeds in children is actually natural, considering the blood vessels in the front of the nose are still thin.

Another story if the nosebleeds occur at least 4-5 times a month because this can be a sign of cancer symptoms, such as lymphoblastic leukemia (lymphoblastic leukemia). This type of cancer often attacks children.
4. Shortness of breath
Forty percent of leukemia symptoms are characterized by shortness of breath. Take immediate action by taking the child to the doctor if you experience this.

5. Headaches
Headache turned out to be one of the symptoms of cancer in children, you know! This is due to a tumor in the brain so that the brain experiences pressure which then causes head pain.

6. The wound does not heal
When a child suffers injuries from a fall and so on, then that is natural and will soon disappear within a few days. However, if the wound does not heal, this could be a sign that there are serious problems, including symptoms of cancer.

Do not delay. Immediately take your child to the doctor for further examination. Early treatment can prevent cancer cells from developing.

7. Convulsions
The cause of seizures can be due to fever, trauma, to lack of oxygen. There is also a possibility that seizures can be a symptom of cancer, as revealed by the Parkway Cancer Center.

8. Bleeding
Bleeding is a symptom of cancer in children, especially nephroblastoma. This symptom can be seen from urine that bleeds.

9. Easily Tired
One symptom of lymphoma is the body easily feels tired. At first glance these symptoms are symptoms of general illness. Immediately visit the relevant doctor if your child experiences this to ensure the cause of the body is easily tired.

10. Impaired vision
Does your child complain about blurred vision? Be aware, because this could be a symptom of cancer. Early detection is very necessary to be done to see the relationship between vision problems with cancer.

8 Ways to Tighten Sagging Breasts

Breasts are often regarded as one of the assets of women. Although the breasts often become a closed part, it is not uncommon for women to find ways to tighten the breasts and keep them attractive.

Many things that make the breasts become sagging or do not fit the shape. For example, during pregnancy, breasts also swell due to the influence of hormones and weight gain, then after giving birth even back down weight, not infrequently making sagging breasts. Aging can weaken the chest wall ligaments and reduce breast firmness. So that we feel that the shape of the breast becomes loose and not beautiful.

But did you know that lifestyle changes can help you to tighten your breasts? Here are some ways to tighten the breasts.

What are the ways to tighten breasts?
You can choose the most effective way to make your breasts look beautiful, the following choices:

1. Slow down slowly
As explained above, sagging breasts can be caused by loss of body fat, this means that you are losing weight. But did you know that breasts can also go down because you lose too much fat in a fast time?

Yes, it can, sometimes a drop in breast makes you insecure. If you experience this, the way is to try to lose weight slowly, around 0.4 kg to 0.9 kg per week. This slow weight loss can help you reduce breast size to its original shape, prevent sagging due to weight loss.

2. Do push-ups
It turns out there are some examples of push-ups that can be done to form the muscles that support your breasts. Do it in a plank motion - with your body lying face down but not touching the floor, keep your elbows bent, your hands and legs supporting your body, then move up and down. You can do it slowly. Do about five counts with a slow up and down motion, then try the 10 counts with a fast up and down movement.

Exercise strengthens these muscles can help the tissue to push breast tissue forward, so that the breast will look full forward. Based on the American College of Sports Medicine, quoted by Livestrong, at least try this exercise at least about twice a week.
3. Drink water
Wow, is that easy? How does the story of drinking water can tighten your breasts? So here goes, drinking about 1.8 liters of water a day can help maintain skin firmness naturally. A well hydrated skin will look tight, healthy and elastic.

4. Use the right bra
Actually not only when you exercise, every day you have to use the right bra, not too tight and not too loose. Using the right bra can prevent you from damage to the ligament, so your breasts will look sagging. Especially when you exercise, you should use the right sports bra.

5. Perform breast massage
Perform massage by doing upward movements for about 15 minutes a day. This can increase circulation to your breasts so that they can strengthen the muscles and tissues around your breasts. In addition to making your breasts look tight, massage also helps you find out if there are lumps in the breast.

You can also use olive oil, almond oil, or aloe vera gel to apply when massaging. When applying it, rub it clockwise, then counter it clockwise.

6. Apply a mask to the breast
Not only the face that must be applied to the mask, the breast must also be applied to the mask. You can make your own breast mask with natural ingredients. You can prepare eggs, vitamin E oil, and cucumber. Want to know how to make it, consider the following:
Vitamin E mask and eggs
Use one tablespoon of one of these ingredients with one egg. Mix eggs and vitamin E. Then, apply to the breast and let stand for half an hour. Make sure you rinse it with cold water.

Eggs contain protein that can increase skin elasticity. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that can inhibit free radicals and prevent skin aging.

Egg and cucumber masks
Blend cucumber. You can add butter and natural cream. Mix refined cucumber, butter, natural cream, and egg yolks together. Let stand about ½ hour and rinse with cold water.

Cucumber contains antioxidants, and can reduce skin irritation and reduce skin swelling.

7. Sleep on your back
It turns out that sleeping on your right or left side can cause sagging breasts. The best way is to sleep on your back. This method can stretch the breast, so the results will look firmer for a long period of time. Indeed you will not get the results in one or two nights, or even in a month. Even if it's slow, the results will take longer.

8. Breast enlargement
Currently breast enlargement by means of breast surgery is common in women today, although it still invites the pros and cons. Sometimes some women experience severe sagging breasts that cannot be helped by exercise alone.

If you are interested in doing this process, you can visit your doctor. Remember you should do it by the experts, because this concerns your assets. An untrusted operation will certainly have a long-term negative impact.

Friday, January 17, 2020

10 Causes of Your Underarm Skin Blackening

Black armpit sometimes causes low self-esteem. Things that cause blackening of the armpit skin are sometimes not realized, even though maybe we do this cause. Unlike other skin on the body which is usually blackened due to scars or sunburn, the cause of black armpit skin is not the same.
What are the causes of black underarm skin?
1. Some deodorants and antiperspirants
Some people suggest that there are deodorants and antiperspirants that cause blackening of the armpit skin. In fact, when they stopped using the deodorant, there was a change in the color of their armpits. Although this is rare, there is a possibility that there are several compositions which cause blackening of the armpit skin.

2. Acanthonis nigricans
This is a health condition that can make the skin underarm, groin, neck, elbow, knees, knuckles, or folds of skin. Acanthonis nigricans can occur in men and women, but this condition mostly occurs in people who are dark skinned and have obesity. This is related to the disruption of insulin production and glands that affect pre-diabetics, diabetes, or those who have the possibility of diabetes.

3. Hyperpigmentation
Hyperpigmentation can make discoloration of the armpit, groin, groin, and blackened neck area. This happens when your skin produces melanin, although it usually quite rarely affects the armpit.

4. Bacterial infections
Erythrasma, a bacterial infection caused by corynebacterium minutissimum, causes reddish brown patches that are slightly physical with firm boundaries. The patches feel a bit itchy and generally appear during warm weather. You will be more likely to suffer from this infection if you have excess weight or diabetes.

5. Period of pregnancy
Some women experience blackened armpits when pregnant. This is caused by hormonal changes that can increase melanin production, especially estrogen which increases the production of melanocytes, cells that produce melanin. Blackened armpit during pregnancy is a seasonal problem that not only causes uneven skin tone, but also blackens the armpit, nose, and upper lip.
6. Tight clothes, lots of touch and friction
When the armpit swipes something, hyperkeratosis or thickened skin may occur as a means of preventing the body against friction irritation, namely post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

7. Shaving
Shaving is a common cause of blackened armpits. Shaving cannot pull the armpit hair from its roots. Hair follicles remain visible under the armpit surface when shaving. Hair below the surface of the skin will make the skin look darker, much like men who shave their faces.

8. Collection of dead skin cells
There are thousands of skin folds in the armpit known as "hills and valleys". Therefore, the armpit is usually seen inside. In addition, due to lack of care, underarm skin cells will dry, crack or die. Dead skin will look darker.

9. Smoker's melanosis
This is a condition caused by smoking tobacco. In this case, hyperpigmentation is caused by smoking. Black patches appear in the armpit area while smoking continues. When you stop smoking, the spots will disappear by themselves.

10. Hair shaving cream
Hair shaving creams tend to be used to gently remove unwanted hair. However, this cream also contains chemicals that can cause skin irritation and blacken the armpit.

10 Ways to Get Rid of Acne Scars

Pimple scars can be called a big problem and are very annoying, especially for women. Initially pimple scars appear due to our hands that often touch acne, even squeeze it. When acne starts to appear, our desire to minimize the development of acne and often we squeeze pimples to burst. However, in reality it can lead to new problems that are more complex, namely the emergence of acne scar holes. Pimple scars will be more difficult to remove than ordinary pimples and acne scars.

More difficult does not mean can not be removed. There is only one way to get rid of acne scars, which is to treat the dermatologist's clinic. The use of creams and other medicines is not effective for this one problem.

Handling medically
The specific dermatology procedure to minimize acne scars depends on:

  • Age, overall health, and disease history
  • Severity of acne scars
  • Types of acne scars
  • Tolerance to medication, procedures, or therapy
  • Your opinion or choice

Technically, here are some ways to minimize acne scarring:

1. Dermabrasion
Dermabrasion can minimize scars, surgical suture marks, and acne scars. After doing dermabrasion, your skin will feel softer and fresher. You will usually need 5-7 days to recover at home.

2. Chemical peel (chemical peels)
Usually chemical peels are used to heal sunburned skin, irregular pigments, and holes in acne that have a slight depth. By lifting the top layer of skin, the skin will reappear (regenerate) and improve its appearance.

3. Dermal filler injection
This injection aims to replace lost collagen. Usually used to restore wrinkles, scars, and facial lines. This injection is temporary and can last up to 1 year.

4. Laser resurfacing and light therapy
Laser resurfacing uses high-energy rays to burn damaged skin. Usually used for skin wrinkles and minor scars. Whereas pulsed dye laser is a special action to remove acne scars and eliminate them.
5. Punch the graft
Punch graft is a small skin graft to replace the scars, this is usually used to repair deep acne scars.

6. Subcutanous incision (slicing under the skin)
Usually used to separate the skin and layers that are injured and can flatten skin with acne scars with holes. Can also be called a subcision.

7. Autologous fat transfer
This is a way to take fat from other parts of the body to be injected into the skin. This procedure can also improve acne scars.

8. Injection
Usually referred to as intralesional injection, which includes a drug consisting of steroids that function to remove wounds and make the skin smooth.

9. Cryotherapy
Cryotherapy is a technique that freezes scars that cause the wound to die and escape from the skin. Sometimes this technique is combined with the injection technique. Although this procedure will brighten the skin, the effect is that there will be some parts of the skin that are brighter (uneven).

10. Cream
Topical cream to treat scars consists of retinoids and silicon. Cream can not eliminate acne scars totally, but it can help disguise the appearance.


13 Ways to Treat Damaged Nails Because of Mushrooms with the Most Effective Natural Ingredients

Fungus nails can then become damaged which means they will make the appearance of the nails less beautiful. Here are some recommendations on how to treat damaged nails due to fungi with natural ingredients that you can try because of their effective and harmless health as well as the surrounding skin.
1.Baking Soda
Baking soda can treat nails damaged by a fungal infection, by mixing ½ cup of baking soda with ¼ cup of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and also ½ cup of Epsom salt in 4 cups of hot water. When mixed evenly, add ¼ cup of white vinegar. Soak the nails in a 10-minute solution and after that can be cleaned with clean water; do 2 times daily care for the most effective results.

2.Garlic Oil
Because there are antifungal properties in garlic, you might try using this oil as a natural remedy. Its use is to mix garlic oil with each olive oil with the same dose as needed and apply directly to the part of the nail you want to treat. Wrap with a bandage cloth and leave a few hours; do it every day until the damaged nail returns to normal and the fungus is completely eradicated, but still know and be aware of the side effects of garlic.

3Apple Vinegar
Apple vinegar can prevent the spread of nail fungus properly, even apple cider vinegar is known to be effective in killing bacteria and fungi. Combine apple vinegar into the water with the same amount of each one then soak the damaged nails into it for 30 minutes every day. Use it every day until the nails return to normal and the infection is completely cured.

4.Tea Tree Oil
These herbal oils contain antiseptics and antifungals which are very effective in treating nail fungus and even repair nails damaged by mold. A few drops of this tea tree oil can be mixed with olive oil or coconut oil to taste and apply to damaged nails using a cotton ball. Wait for about 10 minutes and rub your nails using a toothbrush; do this method up to 3 times a day for the most effective results.

5.Coconut oil
In using this oil as a medicine for damaged nails, you can warm this oil first before applying it to each nail you want to treat. When applying, do it while giving a massage for up to 5 minutes. This will improve blood circulation while moisturizing the nails. This method should be done for several weeks until the nail can return to health and is also strong enough before stopping.

6.Vitamin E oil
Vitamin E is not only good for improving skin health, but also for nail health. You can try vitamin E capsules and the extract can be applied directly to damaged nails every night before going to bed. Give a massage also for 5 minutes to facilitate blood circulation. For the best results, it is recommended to do this treatment every day within 2 weeks.

7.Sea Salt
Because in sea salt there is a mineral content that becomes a natural healer for damaged skin and a reinforcement for nails, you may try mixing 2 tablespoons of sea salt into a small bowl of warm water. Also add lemon and mir essential oils 2 drops each and soak the nails there for 15 minutes. After that, clean by rinsing with warm water; doing this treatment 3 times a week will provide effective results.

8.Lemon juice
To improve the condition of damaged nails, lemon juice where a lemon is a fruit that contains high vitamin C can be tried as your nail nurse. Fresh lemon juice can be mixed with argan oil, where each one has the same fire. Soak the nails in the solution for about 20 minutes and do it once a day for 3 weeks to get the best results.

9.Lavender oil
The antiseptic in this oil is so big and you just need to use 5 drops of this oil mixed with tea tree oil which can then be smeared on damaged nails because the fungus uses cotton balls. 10 minutes go by, clean it by rinsing it, it will be more effective if you do this method 2-3 times a day.

10.Turmeric Powder
Adequate turmeric powder mixed with a little water will form a paste and paste that can be rubbed on your nails. Leave it to dry and when dry, clean it by rinsing it using plain water, and dry it well to prevent moisture from further infection and nail damage.

These probiotic foods can be consumed every day not only as part of a healthy diet tips, but also help to make nails much better and damaging fungal infections are also hampered by its spread and faster recovery.

12Red onion
Shallot is another natural ingredient that can be used as a remedy for nails damaged by mold. Sliced red onions can be rubbed on your nails and do this every day so that the infection and damage to the nails can heal. However, the side effects of shallots still need to be watched out so that you can use them wisely.

13White vinegar
Apart from apple vinegar, there is also white vinegar that can be used by mixing it with plain water with a ratio of 1: 2 where there is more water. The nails you want to cure can be dipped and soaked for 15 minutes before continuing with cleaning. Dry your nails well and every day you can do it twice.

Those are some ways to treat damaged nails due to fungi with the most natural and safe ingredients that can be tried. With regular use as recommended, the cause of nail fungus and its symptoms that trigger damage can be overcome perfectly.

Clean Your Intestine by Eating These Foods and Drinks

The intestine is a vital organ that functions to remove leftover food from the body after all nutrients are fully absorbed. In addition, the intestine has an important role for health because 70 percent of the cells that make up the immune system are on your intestinal wall.
Unfortunately, for reasons of busy work and daily activities, some people or maybe you often forget to pay attention to the condition of the intestine. As a result, the intestines become susceptible to various health problems.

the key to maintaining digestive health is the most important is to apply a regular diet.

Therefore, it is important for you to know what foods can cleanse and treat intestinal health. Reporting from Reader’s Digest, here are recommendations for healthy intestinal cleansers:

1. Fruit
Fruit as a meal that is rich in nutrients is very beneficial for your body. There are several fruits that can cleanse the intestine, including:

Lemon, rich in vitamin C with high antioxidants, can neutralize toxins and make the body immediately expel them.
Avocados, rich in omega-3s, help prevent the development of toxins in the intestinal wall so that all food scraps can decay.
Apples are soothing, anti-inflammatory, and rich in fiber. Especially if you eat the skin, which is rich in pectin and antioxidants.
Bananas contain natural antacids that keep dirt and poisons from sticking to mucus in the intestine. Bananas are rich in potassium, an important mineral for the intestine and digestive system. Thanks to its potassium content, bananas improve digestion and reduce pain and inflammation associated with diarrhea and other problems.

2. Green vegetables
Types of vegetables such as broccoli, kale and cabbage have a texture that is rich in fiber and can help cleanse the intestines from poisons and dirt that sticks to the intestinal wall. Vegetables also contain minerals and antioxidants that help protect themselves from poisons.

To maintain the nutritional content so as not to disappear, it is recommended to cook vegetables by boiling. If you want to saute, use olive oil to add nutrients.

3. Tea variant
Tea can remove toxins from the body, especially if you consume green tea that is rich in antioxidants and can improve intestinal function by helping cleanse the intestines. There is also yogurt and kefir, one of the fermented products that contains oligosaccharides to boost the immune system.

4. Water
The intestine that is dehydrated for a long time can cause constipation. This condition will end with a buildup of toxins in the large intestine.

Try to regularly drink enough water. If you like and don't have stomach problems, add lemon or lime juice as a flavor enhancer.

Eating food and drinks as suggested above can cleanse your intestines. Thus, your health is also maintained. If you experience symptoms of indigestion, consult a doctor immediately to get the right treatment.


9 trivial things that threaten women's health

Communities are now more aware of health. Women don't want to be left behind, they often eat healthier and come to the gym.
Even though the body feels healthy, there are some mistakes that must still be avoided, as quoted by Boldsky.
The mistakes are indeed not much, but the consequences can damage the health that has been built for a long time.

1. Often wear high heels
Can not be denied wearing high heels aka high heels can boost the display plus female self confidence. But if too often these types of shoes can cause pressure on the leg joints.
A series of health problems will await starting from back pain, arthritis, injury to the tendon, nerve and bone damage to the appearance of varicose veins.
No need to stay away from high heels, just minimize the right height for daily use.

2. Sleep without cleaning cosmetics
Going home to work in a state of fatigue often makes a lazy woman clean her face.
If you are already asleep with cosmetics that are still 'on', the oil and dirt can accumulate and close the pore.
Not to mention if you use mascara and eyeshadow that can cause eye irritation.

3. Lack of sleep
Exercise and consumption of healthy foods will not produce maximum body fitness if not combined with adequate rest.
Sleep deprivation can cause serious health problems without realizing it, from sleep deprivation making people less energetic, excessive fatigue, high blood pressure to heart disease.
Take at least 7-9 hours to sleep.

4. Eat as a stress reliever
When stress strikes, some women make eating as an escape and a stress reliever.
Eating may be able to relieve stress at that time, but this will not solve the root of the problem and even cause new problems such as obesity.

5. Skip sports
For the sake of the body to stay healthy and fit, people should not miss exercise. No need to linger, just a few minutes of regularity.
Take light exercise such as cycling or yoga.
Regular exercise keeps people away from health problems such as heart disease, stroke, back pain, osteoporosis and diabetes.

6. Leaving stress
Stress is often considered normal. But he is often associated with health problems ranging from headaches, lethargy, to insomnia.
If left unchecked, long-term problems can arise such as depression.

7. Leaving dental problems
Even though it only appears occasionally, healthy teeth can support a woman's appearance so that it becomes better.
If not maintained properly, little yellow spots appear on the teeth. Then there are problems with the gums and inflammation.
Take care of your teeth by brushing your teeth regularly and regularly to the dentist to check dental health.

8. Always order a bowl of salad
Ordering salads doesn't always seem to be a healthy menu choice.
In fact, behind a bowl of salad, there can be high calorie content and unwanted fat for toppings such as fried chicken, fried bread slices, and other fat-filled salad dressings.
Avoid salads with high-fat toppings such as cheese, slices of bread, or salads with creamy dressings such as caesar salad.

9. Wrong bra size
Bra is one of the fashion elements that will not be missed. In fact, there are still many women who choose the wrong bra size.
The effect is neck pain, breast pain and back pain. Bra that is too tight can also damage your posture or cause skin irritation.



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